Sadranan Beach, Apparently in this beloved Jogja, especially in Gunungkidul

"Good news for us all .." There is another beach that can be used for Snorkeling! Wahh exclamation yes ..

Apparently in this beloved Jogja, especially in Gunungkidul there is one more beach that can be used for snorkling, namely sadranan beach. This beach is similar to lhoo with Nglambor Beach. If at Beach Nglambor right in front of the beach there are 2 coral islands. So also with this Sadranan which is also located in the middle of the beach lips. Sadranan beach has white sand too, uniik yaa .. The difference is, if in this beach Sadranan tend to be less and dominated by white sand only.

Location of Sadranan Beach
Location This beach is located in Pulegundes II Hamlet, Sidoharjo Village, Kec.Tepus, Kab. Gunungkidul. Sadranan beach is flanked by Krakal Beach and Indrayanti Beach . The beach is also still rarely visited by tourists, it's just fitting a little more busy day than usual. But is not that even the main attraction is not it?

Facilities at Sadranan Beach
The facilities here are quite lengoo lengak, ranging from restaurants, toilets, even bathrooms are available. On Sadranan beach there is also a gazebo. There is a large gazebo that loads dozens of people for tourists who bring groups or who are holding a small party on the beach. There is also a smaller gazebo for tourists who only bring family troupe only. And these gazebos are lined up on the edge of Sadranan beach which is sure to make our trip more exciting. There are also beach rental rentals complete with carpetnya and the rental price was relatively affordable lhooh. There are also lodging on the hill, and can also set up a tent on the beach a la Scout gituu, the most important keep the nature clean yaa, however we are part of the ecosystem J.

What is Exciting from Sadranan Beach?
Snorkeling time! Sadranan Beach no less exciting kok for fans of this one kece sport. Even here there are marine life like a rare fish and certainly protected dong. We can also rent his lhoo snorkeling equipment and the rental price is affordable and certainly will be satisfied with the beautiful panorama in this neritik zone. Well tips suitable time to do this sport for the morning at around 06:00 to 08:00 and evening at around 16:00 to 18:00. Or it could also to the white sand beach is fitting in the afternoon and certainly soo beautiful face of the evening sky in the afternoon of the work of this Creator.