Parangtritis Beach - Exoticism in Bantul district, Yogyakarta

Parangtritis Beach exoticism

Surely you know the name Nyi Roro Kidul - Queen of the South Coast? Well, the story was not separated from the name Parangtritis Beach. This beach is located in Bantul district, Yogyakarta. If you are from downtown Yogyakarta, take the path to Jokteng (Wonton Beteng) wetan. Then from this Joktengwetan, you go south by taking the path of Jalan Parangtritis. Just follow the path. After you travel about 27 km, you will find this beach.

Parangtritis Beach exoticism

Parangtritis beach is quite famous in the eyes of domestic and foreign tourists. The facilities presented were quite complete. For those of you who love to browse the beach, provided ATV (All-terrain Vechile). This vehicle is rented at a price of around Rp 50.000 - 100.000. In addition, for those of you who want to browse the beach with a leisurely, there is also rental Bendi, the mini horse. Andong is quite cool for you who want to enjoy the beauty along the beach with a relaxed. You will be invited to explore the beach from the west end to the eastern end, where in the eastern part of this beach is an exotic coral reefs accompanied by a charming waterfall. This area is suitable for you who like to hunting photo.

There is one of the most exotic in Parangtritis Beach. Sunset. Yes, for those of you who like to enjoy the panorama of twilight, this beach presents an amazing thing. Visually the twilight clouds and the blowing of the coastal winds add to the exotic sunset in Parangtritis. Come when the weather is sunny so you can clearly see the dusk scenery on this beach. But unfortunately, if you come in a clouded state, you will only see orange lights that decorate the evening sky. But do not worry, that's not the exotic provided in the nature of this beach. You also presented a magnificent view when you head to the cliffs that are behind this beach. Gembirawati his name. From the cliff top, you can see the whole lips Parangtritis Beach pampered by the breeze of the beach so soothing.