How Much Life Insurance Coverage do I need?

How much life insurance coverage do I need?

Some experts will tell you that the answer is between 7 and 10 times your salary, but it can vary tremendously based on your individual needs. Ask yourself this...

How large are my debts? If you have a mortgage, student loans, business loans or any other debts, a good beginning can be to calculate the total amount of your outstanding debts.

What life events do I want secured for my family? You may want your death benefit to assist in childcare or college tuition for your children. Perhaps you want to provide supplemental retirement for your spouse in addition to your funeral expenses.

Once you've considered what you'd want your death benefit to help cover financially for your family, try to calculate the total amount of money it would cost to do so.

The answers to these questions may not seem clear immediately, but with a little consideration ahead of time and some guidance from one of our licensed agents, you'll be able to make informed decisions throughout the application process.

You can also use our life insurance calculator to find out how much life insurance you need.

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