Baron Beach - On the left side of this beach there are two hills that add to the exotic

Curious about the Baron beach? We will explain how the beauty of Baron Beach. On this beach, you can indulge your eyes, heart and tongue. Because of what? Because the beauty of the beach presented will bring a fresh mood. On the left side of this beach there are two hills that add to the exotic Baron Beach. You are also given access to climb the hill. The journey to the top of the hill is not too far away, but your stamina should be fit, because if you do not like to walk may not have reached the top of the hill you have been ngos-ngosan.

For those of you who like to enjoy the beauty of the sunset, you can do on the hill. Without any obstacles, you can enjoy a beautiful visual sunset, little by little the sun goes in the ocean horizon line. In addition, on this beach also presented visual fishing boats. Sometimes there are fishermen who go to sea, so we can know how the fisherman went to sea and landed.

Well, to pamper your tongue, on this beach served some sea food menu. So, do not worry for you who are cool to enjoy this beach and suddenly there is an emergency call to fill the stomach. Not just seafood is served, but the menu is usually served in the city, such as meatballs, soup, curry is also there. So, you can choose a menu of foods to suit your taste.

Want to play water on this beach? Swim and play the waves? Of course it can. Because on this beach there is a river that meets the sea. So, for those of you who are afraid of the sea water and the waves, you can play and bathe in the river. Relaxed aja, the water is tasteless kok rich river water regular. Even the tributaries are clean. As for those of you who want to play the waves, you need to walk a little to the middle because sometimes between the beach lips and where the fishing boats are blocked with river water. Anyway satisfied dech if you want to play water there. Not to mention before you enter the beach location there are lush trees to rest, so no need to fear the heat.

Cobain deh, an experience that will certainly mengasikkan ...