Sewu Temple is a Buddhist temple located in the middle of the Hindhu temple complex

Enjoy the beauty of Prambanan temple can also visit to the temple of sewu. Simply walk to the north of 800 meters Roro Jonggrang temple ini. Uniknya Sewu Temple is a Buddhist temple located in the middle of the Hindhu temple complex. This temple was built by a Hindu king namely Rakai Pikatan. Rakai Pikatan is the son of King Sanjaya who married the descendants of the Syailendra dynasty who are Buddhists.

What is in Sewu Temple?

In the complex area of ​​this temple there are 240 small temples built around the main temple. The large number of these temples make it get the nickname of the temple. It makes it easy to remember and call it. The structure used in making this Sewu temple using Andesite stone. The height of the temple building reaches 30 meters with a diameter of 29 meters which has a Polygon shape.

The concept of symmetrical temple construction is a symbol of harmony of the natural life. A tradition that is also used by the Sultan's Palace and Surakarta.Bangunan that is in the complex of stone-fenced temple, in front there Warapala. Warapala is a large stone statue and carries a weapon in the form of a bat. Forms of sculpture like this is also always there in the palace yard Yogyakarta.Anda can easily visit this temple because it is inside the complex of Prambanan temple.

Enjoy the beauty and panorama of this temple in a series of packages with Prambanan temple . You history and tourism lovers can unite a package of excursions and observations of Buddhist heritage in the packaging of Hindu temples. This temple is a monumental history that contains a message not to abandon the culture and principles of origin where we live in the future, evident in the message of buddha temple in hindhust complex.